Dan's performances at the FFF:
Friday: 12:30 pm. River Gazebo.
Saturday: 2 pm. Seminole Camp.
Sunday: 11:30 am. Song & Story Stage.
3:00 pm. Blues Jam @ Jam Area
The Festival is held at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park, which is located on U.S. 41 in White Springs. From I-75 to S.R. 136 (Exit 439), travel east on S.R. 136 for 3 miles. Turn left on U.S. 41 at the State of Florida's Nature & Heritage Tourism Center. Festival Walk-In Entrance is on the left. For Main Entrance and Festival Parking, proceed one mile north on U.S. 41 and turn left at Florida Folk Festival sign. From I-10 to U.S. 41 North (Exit 301), travel 9 miles to town of White Springs.