For the past couple of weeks, I have been working with Sound Mind Studios in Daytona Beach to record music for a new CD. "Pete Seeger in Paradise" and "I'll Sing You Love" are the first two songs related to this effort. I hope you enjoy them.
New guitar bought this summer is running smoothly, a mahogany Martin OMCE. Much nicer for finger picking. Speaking of which, do contact me for tickets to the Jan. 22 concert at Ormond UU, where I will be opening for David Roth, a wonderful folksinger coming down from Massachusetts. It's $10 per person, and seating is limited.
I'll be playing forty-five minutes of music on Monday evening, Dec. 16, at the Halifax River Audubon monthly meeting. This is at 7 pm in Sica Hall, across from City Hall on Daytona Avenue in Holly Hill, FL. See "Events" on my website home page for directions.
Next concert at Osteen Diner will be on Saturday evening, Dec. 28, 6-8 pm. One great benefit of these concerts is that I do take requests from my extensive sheet that circulates in the room. It was here that I learned how popular is "Bridge Over Troubled Waters." It sounds beautiful when people sing along, as we have demonstrated at UU Marion County and UU Ormond Beach.
The new album, "My Louisiana Heron," is now available. See "Links." And I will be presenting the pulpit message, "The Magic of Creative Choice," 10:30 a.m. at the Lake County UU in Eustis on April 7 at the Women's Club on Center Avenue. Next playdate at Osteen Diner is May 18. See you there!
I've had a nice invitation from Ruth Schiffermiller to play at the Osteen Diner on Saturday, Feb. 26, so I hope we'll be seeing each other that evening from 6-8 pm. (Directions below.) I have written several new songs, and it will be great to be able to share them with you. I'll also bring along some of my shore bird note cards (see a selection at www.danbirds.com), and if you'll say the magic words when you arrive ("black skimmers"), you'll receive 1/3 off on a box of cards, as well as a free card of your choice. (Didn't Groucho Marx originate the secret word idea? And with a bird, no less, but not a black skimmer.) I've been up at dawn several days this past week to good effect-lots of new and interesting cards. But speaking of music, see the note below about a concert featuring Martha solo, as well as accompanying me. Now we're talking! See you on the 26th. Dan.
February 26 (Saturday): Osteen Diner. Dan performs from 6-8 pm. Original music and your requests (see list below of what I'm practicing in the way of cover tunes). See this website under "Events" for details about the diner. It's south of Rt. 44 on Tomoka Farms Rd. Exact location is 195 South State Road 415, Osteen, FL, just south of the new Wal-mart and Skip's, across the street from Dollar General. Phone: 407-323-6469 or 407-304-0111.
May 14 (Saturday): Unitarian Universalist Society, Ormond Beach. Martha Brandt and Dan Gribbin will be featured in a Littner Series concert from 6-8 pm. Martha will play solo, then Dan will join her for some of his original songs, and then Dan will play solo. Coffee house atmosphere with sandwiches and drinks available. 56 N. Halifax Dr., Ormond Beach, FL, 32176.
Request list: The tunes marked with (*) are those that I'm devoting special attention to in preparation for the Osteen Diner concert (some of them in quick medley versions), but if you see something else on the list that you'd like to hear, do e-mail me a warning. Of course, you could sit tight and just watch me squirm when you request it. You know I'll play it for you, anyway, while sweating bullets. : ) I'll be doing original songs, too, of course.
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Bye, Bye Love
Can't Help But Wonder Where I'm Bound
Carolina in My Mind*
Cat's in the Cradle
Circle Game
City of New Orleans*
Crocodile Man*
Easy Times Come Hard
Feelin' Groovy
Free Man in Paris*
Hobo's Lullabye
Hot Rod Lincoln*
I Can See Clearly Now*
I Gotta Know
I'll Be Here in the Morning
Jamaica Farewell*
Joan of Arc
Last Thing on My Mind
Me and Bobbie McGhee
Me and Julio
Mr. Tambourine Man
Money, Trouble, and Love
Morning Has Broken
Moon Shadow
Octopus's Garden*
Oh, Boy
Peace Train
Peggy Sue
Proud Mary
Ruby Tuesday*
Sisters of Mercy
Southern Cross
Summertime Blues
Sunday Street*
Sweet Baby James
Walk Right In*
When I'm 64
Willie and the Hand Jive
Yellow Bird*
The video of "Sunday Street," filmed by George Sibley, is now up on the site, as well. Check for it under "Links."
George Sibley has done a fine job of filming "Peppermint Roses." Click on "Links" here on the website to check out the video.
Lots of good music at Barberville, last weekend, and we're looking forward to the Ormond Riverfest, where Martha will be accompanying me on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. on the North Stage.
Do click on the link to my new Shore Bird Note Card site, www.danbirds.com.
I've been furiously recording music toward a new CD, and the results can be sampled under "Songs" here on the website. I'm in the process of final editing for some of the songs. "Who You Got to Please?" is already in final form. On my way to the Fur Peace Ranch for a workshop, I'll be performing at Ferrum College on the evening of Thursday, October 7. That will be my first return to campus in quite some time, so I'm anticipating it with great enthusiasm. See details under "Events" here on the website. Upcoming events at Barberville and along the river in Ormond Beach are scheduled for November. Hope to see you there! Dan.
The summer has brought opportunities for working with young singers and songwriters?and I do mean young. As a volunteer at the Bermuda Aquarium during the week of July 20th, I had the pleasure of working with four different groups of AquaCampers ranging in age from 5 to 14. The kids and I then entertained their families at a Friday evening concert and picnic, singing about creatures from Bermuda?s mangrove swamps and freshwater ponds. Our own Camp Creative UU hosted two different sets of day campers whom I taught songs by Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger, as well as some that we cooked up on our own to share at the end of the week potluck dinner. Now we look forward to good music in the Fall, with a concert at Olivia?s in Eustis followed by an established folk festival in Eustis and a new one in Ormond Beach. Hope to see you there. Dan.
SPECIAL NOTE: If you would like to participate in an Elderhostel class that I will be teaching at Stetson, Nov. 8 ? 13, on ?The Sixties Folk Revival,? please call 1-877-426-8056 and tell them to sign you up. (Info about Elderhostel in general can be found at ). I spoke with the people at Stetson today, and they are concerned that Elderhostel registration is running slow, as a result of the poor economy. I?ve enjoyed teaching UCF courses in the evolution of folk music and folk values in America, and I?d love to work with these ideas in an Elderhostel class, so if you have some interest, please check out this opportunity.
--September 26 (Saturday) 7-9:30 pm. Dan will play at Olivia?s Coffeehouse in Eustis. Anyone who walks into Olivia?s notices the comfortable, homey atmosphere, and everyone enjoys the good food and drink. (Chicken Piccata wrap is my choice every time.) 113 N. Bay St. in downtown Eustis. 352-357-1887. This appearance was originally published for an earlier date, but don?t be fooled--Sep. 26 is the correct date.
--October 10 & 11 (Sat. & Sun.): Lake County Folk Festival. Schedule to be announced, but we know that Work Release Program will be performing. Details as soon as we receive them.
November 21 & 22 (Sat. & Sun.) Riverfest (Ormond Beach) at Rockefeller Gardens. This is the inaugural year for this festival, which will take place on the newly refurbished riverfront area at The Casements--the John D. Rockefeller estate just over the Granada (Rt. 40) bridge on the beachside in Ormond. Many top acts from the Florida folk scene will be performing. Dan will play at 6 pm Saturday, on the North Stage, and at 2 pm Sunday on the Gazebo Stage.
With the Spring festival season behind us?great music and fellowship at Willfest, Barberville, and the Florida Folk Festival up on the Suwannee, the month of June brings a new venue in the Orlando area, the Music Shack (see attachment 2), and a favorite spot in the Daytona area, Java Jungle. Hope to see you at one or both on the weekend of June 19 & 20. Dan.
--June 19 (Friday) 7-9 pm. Dan will perform with several other area songwriters at a new listening room, the Music Shack on Semoran Blvd. in Casselberry Commons (1455 Semoran Blvd., Casselberry FL 32707). The shopping center is a few blocks north of Howell Branch Rd. on the west side of 436. Suggested donation of $7. www.musicshack.biz 407-678-1765. (See attachment 2.)
--June 20 (Saturday) 4-7 pm. Dan will play at Java Jungle in conjunction with a reception for area artists. Come enjoy the music and the good dessert snacks and drinks in an atmosphere of relaxation and artistic richness. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, FL 32129.) Java Jungle is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center (elevator in the middle of the center, right under central stairway). This is a dessert and coffee bar with incredible pastries and chocolate treats.: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and for the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
We enjoyed seeing so many friends at Barberville and are looking forward to more folk fellowship at White Springs with the Florida Folk Festival taking place on Memorial Day weekend, May 22-24. The festival offers an amazing variety of performances and educational opportunities running across the spectrum of life in Florida. Hope to see you there!
--May 22-24 (Fri ? Sun) Dan will perform at the Florida Folk Festival. The Festival is held at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park, which is located on U.S. 41 in White Springs. (See www.dangribbin.com for detailed directions.)
Friday: 1 pm ?Under the Oaks? Stage
Saturday: 1 pm Seminole Camp
Sunday: 2:40 pm River Gazebo
--To reserve a copy of the CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, at special rates.) Or see me on Sunday mornings at the Unitarian Universalist Society of the Daytona Beach Area, 56 N. Halifax, in Ormond Beach. I?ll always have a few CDs in hand.
If you would prefer not to receive updates on our musical appearances, please just send a ?Remove from list? reply to this note.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and for the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Our thanks to all of you who celebrated with us at Cuvee last Tuesday evening. (The manager was blown away by such a turnout on a weeknight.) It was, to say the least, an unforgettable evening. Please join us for brunch at Cuvee tomorrow (Sunday), and keep in mind our date with The Daily Grind on Friday evening. Dan.
--Jan. 25 (Sunday) Dan plays at Cuvee for Sunday brunch, 11:30 am -2 pm. Cuvee Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727.. For extra parking, at the stop sign at the back of the Cuvée lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces. http://www.cuveeoceanside.com.
--Jan. 30 (Friday) Dan plays at The Daily Grind, 6:30-9 pm. Owners Steve and Amanda Schummer have remodeled what used to be Connect Cafe, in the Publix shopping center at Clyde Morris Blvd. and Beville Rd. They serve the usual coffee bar drinks and desserts plus a nice menu of sandwiches, soups, & salads. Phone: 386-238-1044.
--Jan. 31 (Saturday) Work Release Program plays at 1:30 pm for FOFF Fest at the Women?s Club in Eustis, 227 N. Center St. Info at http://www.foff.org or call 352-253-6448.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and for the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
It?s a beautiful day in America, and we hope you?ll join Martha and me to celebrate the Inaugural this evening (Tuesday) at Cuvee in Ormond Beach. There are so many songs which we can share which will be appropriate, but none more so than Woody Guthrie?s anthem. ?This land is your land. This land is my land.? Be with us tonight. Dan.
Ucoming dates include Cuvee on Sunday for brunch, and The Daily Grind on Friday, Jan. 30, a return to the now remodeled version of Connect Cafe.
--Jan. 20 (Tuesday) Dan and Martha play at Cuvee, 6:30-9:30 pm. Cuvee Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727.. For extra parking, at the stop sign at the back of the Cuvée lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces. http://www.cuveeoceanside.com.
--Jan. 25 (Sunday) Dan plays at Cuvee for Sunday brunch, 11:30 am -2 pm.
--Jan. 30 (Friday) Dan plays at The Daily Grind, 6:30-9 pm. Owners Steve and Amanda Schummer have remodeled what used to be Connect Cafe, in the Publix shopping center at Clyde Morris Blvd. and Beville Rd. They serve the usual coffee bar drinks and desserts plus a nice menu of sandwiches, soups, & salads. Phone: 386-238-1044.
--Jan. 31 (Saturday) Work Release Program plays at 1:30 pm for FOFF Fest at the Women?s Club in Eustis, 227 N. Center St. Info at http://www.foff.org or call 352-253-6448.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Here?s a chance to hear Work Release Program in concert in Orlando on Sunday. (See attached flyer for details.) The weatherman promises to cooperate, so we?ll look forward to seeing you at Langford Park. Dan.
--Dec. 14 (Sunday) Work Release Program will perform at Langford Park in Orlando as part of the Central Florida Folk music series in that beautiful park. We?ll be playing at the gazebo with a Celtic group called ?Men of the House? splitting the bill with us. Concert begins at 2:30 pm. 1808 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. http://cffolk.org/langford_park/langford_park.htm.
--Dec. 21 (Sunday) Dan plays for Sunday Brunch at Cuvée Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. from 11 am to 2 pm. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727.. Extra parking: At the stop sign at the back of the Cuvée lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Many of you are familiar with Angell & Phelps, the wonderful restaurant in downtown Daytona Beach. Last night, I received an offer from Harold Blanchard, a world reknowned jazz pianist, to play a few numbers during his breaks as he entertains at Angell & Phelps. I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to hear Harold and to show the management that we love good music in Daytona Beach. Dan.
--Dec. 5 (Friday) Dan will perform during Harold Blanchard?s breaks at Angell & Phelps on Beach St. It is a real privilege to have the chance to play for him and for you at this wonderful restaurant in downtown Daytona Beach. Harold will probably begin a set at about 7 pm, so I imagine I would begin playing sometime between 7:30 and 8 pm. 156 S. Beach St., Daytona. Reservations: 386-257-2677. www.angellandphelpscafe.com
--Dec. 7 (Sunday) Dan will present a musical message at the Sunday Service of the Lake County Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Eustis, Florida. 11 am. 227 N. Center St. (Eustis Women?s Club Building). Directions at http://www.lakecountyuu.org
--Dec. 14 (Sunday) Work Release Program will perform at Langford Park in Orlando as part of the Central Florida Folk music series in that beautiful park. We?ll be playing at the gazebo with a Celtic group called ?Men of the House? splitting the bill with us. Concert begins at 2:30 pm. 1808 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. http://cffolk.org/langford_park/langford_park.htm.
--Dec. 21 (Sunday) Dan plays for Sunday Brunch at Cuvée Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. from 11 am to 2 pm. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727.. Extra parking: At the stop sign at the back of the Cuvée lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
After a bump in the road at midweek (Note to Self: Avoid musical traffic on US1), things smoothed out considerably. Our good friends from Pelican Bay returned from Germany and surprised us at Java Jungle. Our Victoria Park connection dropped by Cuvée in Ormond Beach for Sunday brunch. And thanks to considerable help from our Riverview friends, the audition on Thursday evening went very well?I?ve been invited to play up front in the snazzy restaurant area at Hollywood Cantina. We?ll look for you there on Friday evening! Dan.
--Nov. 28 (Friday) Dan plays at Hollywood Cantina, 116 N. Beach St. in downtown Daytona, in the block north of ISB. The movie memorabilia is fun, and the menu features Mexican food as well as pizzas and sandwich fare. 8-10 pm. 386-255-7827.
--Dec. 14 (Sunday) Work Release Program will perform at Langford Park in Orlando as part of the Central Florida Folk music series in that beautiful park. We?ll be playing at the gazebo with a Celtic group called ?Men of the House? splitting the bill with us. Concert begins at 2:30 pm. 1808 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. http://cffolk.org/langford_park/langford_park.htm.
--Dec. 21 (Sunday) Dan plays for Sunday Brunch at Cuvée Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. from 11 am to 2 pm. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727.. Extra parking: At the stop sign at the back of the Cuvée lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
We?re taking the weekend off this week to participate in the Autumn Harvest program at the Unitarian Universalist Society in Ormond Beach, but next week I?ll be playing at two new venues during the week, followed by the usual Sunday Brunch at Cuvée (Nov. 23) on the heels of a Saturday evening concert at Java Jungle.
The first new venue features Greek food, as well as more traditional favorites. That?s US1 Restaurant and Grille on Ridgewood in South Daytona. (Gordon says that Frederika is cooking there.) The second new spot is a downtown club and restaurant, Hollywood Cantina, on Beach St. in the block north of ISB. This one has decor as modern as the US1?s is traditional, so take your pick!
If we don?t see you at the UU this weekend, we?ll look forward to seeing you for some music next week. Dan.
--Nov. 19 (Wed) Dan plays at US1 Restaurant and Grille, 2842 S. Ridgewood, just north of Rinker materials and just south of Reed Canal Rd. 7-9 pm. Very nice, understated decor. Greek specials as well as traditional English dishes. www.us1restaurantgrill.com. 386-767-3471.
--Nov. 20 (Thurs) Dan plays at Hollywood Cantina on Beach St. in downtown Daytona in the block north of ISB. This club features a genuine bandstand and features Mexican food as well as pizzas and sandwich fare. Great Hollywood decorations in the vein of Planet Hollywood. 8-10 pm. 386-255-7827.
--Nov. 22 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, 32129.) Java Jungle is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center, and there is an elevator in the middle of the center, right under that central stairway. This is a dessert and coffee bar with incredible pastries and chocolate treats. Check the menu at their website: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
--Nov. 23 (Sunday) Dan plays for Sunday Brunch at Cuvée Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. from 11 am to 2 pm. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727.. Extra parking: At the stop sign at the back of the Cuvée lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces.
--Dec. 14 (Sun) Work Release Program will perform at Langford Park in Orlando as part of the Central Florida Folk music series in that beautiful park. We?ll be playing at the gazebo with a Celtic group called ?Men of the House? splitting the bill with us. Concert begins at 2:30 pm. 1808 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. http://cffolk.org/langford_park/langford_park.htm.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Two musical opportunities this weekend, with Sunday Brunch at Cuvée on the heels of a Saturday evening concert at Java Jungle. Both are fine venues, so take your pick, or double your pleasure.
We bid fond farewell to the Brooklyn Ice Caffé, which has been sold to be converted to a sports bar. Good luck to Phil, Stacey, Sharon, and Dawn, who?ve been so hospitable to us during these past two months.
The Barberville festival drew a record crowd on Saturday and featured wonderful music all weekend. It was great to see so many of you there. Joel, Margie, and I are looking forward to our next outdoor venture, the Central Florida Folk concert in Langford Park in December. (Details below.)
Martha and I will look forward to seeing you in the jungle on Saturday night or at the brunch after church on Sunday. Bring your requests, or hum a few bars and we?ll try it! Dan.
--Nov. 8 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, 32129.) Java Jungle is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center, and there is an elevator in the middle of the center, right under that central stairway. This is a dessert and coffee bar with incredible pastries and chocolate treats. Check the menu at their website: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
--Nov. 9 (Sunday) Dan plays for Sunday Brunch at Cuvée Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. from 11 am to 2 pm. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727.. Extra parking: At the stop sign at the back of the Cuvée lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces.
--Dec. 14 (Sun) Work Release Program will perform at Langford Park in Orlando as part of the Central Florida Folk music series in that beautiful park. We?ll be playing at the gazebo with a Celtic group called ?Men of the House? splitting the bill with us. Concert begins at 2:30 pm. 1808 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. http://cffolk.org/langford_park/langford_park.htm.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Thanks for the wonderful support at Cuvée, this past Sunday. That was my busiest weekend of music ever, and it was so gratifying to have such a wonderful audience at the final event, our Sunday brunch. We?ll do that again on Nov. 9.
Meanwhile, I?ll be doing the early show on Halloween Night (this Friday) at Brooklyn Ice Caffé, so come on out and we?ll do some spooky music. (How about ?The Cat Came Back??) Our host and manager Phil says he?s pulling out all stops to draw in some business, so he?s scheduled an act after mine. Come for dinner at 7 to get in on the musical fun, since I?ll be finishing up my end of the program at 9. See you there! Dan.
--Oct. 31 (Friday) Dan plays at the Brooklyn Ice Caffé. 7-9 pm. The Caffé is located in the shopping center with the light blue buildings at the corner of Clyde Morris Blvd. and Herbert St. in Port Orange (the second stoplight north of Dunlawton). Turn east onto Herbert St. at the light and go about half a block to turn into the parking lot. You?ll see the Caffé right on that corner of the building. Full range of subs and other deli fare plus terrific desserts and drinks. 4649 S Clyde Morris Blvd., Port Orange, FL 32129. 386-322-3306.
--Nov. 1, 2 (Sat, Sun) Work Release Program will entertain at the Barberville Jamboree. Performance schedule for the group and for Dan?s and Joel?s solo stints can be accessed at . Quick summary: Dan plays Sat. 11:30 and 12:30. Sun: Dan?s folk Jam at 10 am, fingerpicking workshop at 1 pm. WRP plays Sat. 1:30, Sun. 3 pm. Barberville Pioneer Settlement, Barberville, VA, just 10 mi north of DeLand on US 17 at the intersection of Fla. Rt. 40. Gates open at 10 am each day. 386-749-2959.
--Nov. 8 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, 32129.) Java Jungle is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center, and there is an elevator in the middle of the center, right under that central stairway. This is a dessert and coffee bar with incredible pastries and chocolate treats. Check the menu at their website: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
--Nov. 9 (Sunday) Dan plays for Sunday Brunch at Cuvée Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. from 11 am to 2 pm. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727.. Extra parking: At the stop sign at the back of the Cuvée lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces.
--Dec. 14 (Sun) Work Release Program will perform at Langford Park in Orlando as part of the Central Florida Folk music series in that beautiful park. We?ll be playing at the gazebo with a Celtic group called ?Men of the House? splitting the bill with us. Concert begins at 2:30 pm. 1808 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. http://cffolk.org/langford_park/langford_park.htm.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
There?s a full schedule of music on tap, this weekend, Friday at Brooklyn Ice Caffé, Saturday at Java Jungle, and Sunday Brunch at Cuvée. I?ll look for you at one of more of these fine venues. It was fun to see how many of you sang along to ?Green Door? when I performed it last Friday night. That song dates back to 1956?I heard it on the first radio I ever owned. I?ll leave it in the act, along with ?Bridge Over Troubled Water,? which is, of course, of more recent vintage?1970. In case you?d like to give a CD or two as holiday gifts, see ordering instructions below. Meanwhile, see you this weekend. Dan.
--Oct. 24 (Friday) Dan plays at the Brooklyn Ice Caffé. 8-10 pm. The Caffé is located in the shopping center with the light blue buildings at the corner of Clyde Morris Blvd. and Herbert St. in Port Orange (the second stoplight north of Dunlawton). Turn east onto Herbert St. at the light and go about half a block to turn into the parking lot. You?ll see the Caffé right on that corner of the building. Full range of subs and other deli fare plus terrific desserts and drinks. 4649 S Clyde Morris Blvd., Port Orange, FL 32129. 386-322-3306.
--Oct. 25 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, 32129.) Java Jungle is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center, and there is an elevator in the middle of the center, right under that central stairway. This is a dessert and coffee bar with incredible pastries and chocolate treats. Check the menu at their website: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
--Oct. 26 (Sunday) Dan plays for Sunday Brunch at Cuvée Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. from 11 am to 2 pm. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727.. Extra parking: At the stop sign at the back of the Cuvée lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces.
--Nov. 1, 2 (Sat, Sun) Work Release Program will entertain at the Barberville Jamboree. Performance schedule for the group and for Dan?s and Joel?s solo stints can be accessed at . Barberville Pioneer Settlement, Barberville, VA, just 10 mi north of DeLand on US 17 at the intersection of Fla. Rt. 40. Gates open at 10 am each day. 386-749-2959.
--Dec. 14 (Sun) Work Release Program will perform at Langford Park in Orlando as part of the Central Florida Folk music series in that beautiful park. We?ll be playing at the gazebo with a Celtic group called ?Men of the House? opening for us. Concert begins at 2:30 pm, with WRP performing at 3 pm or soon after. 1808 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. http://cffolk.org/langford_park/langford_park.htm.
--To reserve a copy of the CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, at special rates.) Or see me on Sunday mornings at the Unitarian Universalist Society of the Daytona Beach Area, 56 N. Halifax, in Ormond Beach. I?ll always have a few CDs in hand.
If you would prefer not to receive updates on our musical appearances, please just send a ?Remove from list? reply to this note.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Sunday Brunch at Cuveé worked out so well, with wonderful support from the Ormond Beach fan base, that I?ve been invited to play on several Sundays through the fall and winter (Oct. 26 will be the next Sunday). They?ve also asked me to play next Tuesday evening from 6-9, so mark that one on your calendar. Next date at Brooklyn Ice Caffé is Friday week (Oct. 17). Meanwhile, come on over to Eustis for the free Lake County Folk Festival. It?s a beautiful setting in a lakefront park, and lots of good music spread out over Saturday and Sunday. Soyez les notres! as the French say. (Be there!) Dan.
--Oct. 11 (Sat) Dan will perform solo, and the Work Release Program trio will also perform, at the Lake County Folk Festival on the lake front in Eustis. WRP will be in Alexander Park at 10:30 am, and then at the Unity Belle Pavilion from 1-2 pm. Dan will be on the patio at the Crazy Gator restaurant from 4:30-5 pm. http://www.eustismainstreet.org. 352-357-8555.
--Oct. 12 (Sun) Lake County Folk Festival. Work Release Program will perform at the Bandshell from 12:30-1 pm.
--Oct. 14 (Tuesday) Dan plays at Cuveé Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. from 6-9 pm. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727.. Extra parking: At the stop sign at the back of the Cuveé lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces.
--Oct. 17 (Friday) Dan plays at the Brooklyn Ice Caffé. 8-10 pm. The Caffé is located in the shopping center with the light blue buildings at the corner of Clyde Morris Blvd. and Herbert St. in Port Orange (the second stoplight north of Dunlawton). Turn east onto Herbert St. at the light and go about half a block to turn into the parking lot. You?ll see the Caffé right on that corner of the building. Full range of subs and other deli fare plus terrific desserts and drinks. 4649 S Clyde Morris Blvd., Port Orange, FL 32129. 386-322-3306.
--Oct. 25 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, 32129.) Java Jungle is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center, and there is an elevator in the middle of the center, right under that central stairway. This is a dessert and coffee bar with incredible pastries and chocolate treats. Check the menu at their website: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
--Oct. 26 (Sunday) Dan plays for Sunday Brunch at Cuveé Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. from 11 am to 2 pm. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727.. Extra parking: At the stop sign at the back of the Cuveé lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces.
--Nov. 1, 2 (Sat, Sun) Work Release Program will entertain at the Barberville Jamboree. Performance schedule for the group and for Dan?s and Joel?s solo stints can be accessed at . Barberville Pioneer Settlement, Barberville, VA, just 10 mi north of DeLand on US 17 at the intersection of Fla. Rt. 40. Gates open at 10 am each day. 386-749-2959.
--Dec. 14 (Sun) Work Release Program will perform at Langford Park in Orlando as part of the Central Florida Folk music series in that beautiful park. We?ll be playing at the gazebo with a Celtic group called ?Men of the House? opening for us. Concert begins at 2:30 pm, with WRP performing at 3 pm or soon after. 1808 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. http://cffolk.org/langford_park/langford_park.htm.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie LaRoe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
The evening concert at Cuveé turned into quite a party, so let?s do it again for Sunday Brunch after church. The restaurant is just up the block (east on Granada) from the Unitarian Church in Ormond (parking directions below). And since the debate kept many of you at home last Friday, please come out to Brooklyn Ice Caffe this Friday to support this fine restaurant. You might even drop by Juva Jungle on Saturday for coffee and dessert treats. Hope to see you! Dan.
--Oct. 3 (Friday) Dan plays at the Brooklyn Ice Caffe. 8-10 pm. The Caffe is located in the shopping center with the light blue buildings at the corner of Clyde Morris Blvd. and Herbert St. in Port Orange (the second stoplight north of Dunlawton). Turn east onto Herbert St. at the light and go about half a block to turn into the parking lot. You?ll see the Caffe right on that corner of the building. Full range of subs and other deli fare plus terrific desserts and drinks. 4649 S Clyde Morris Blvd., Port Orange, FL 32129. 386-322-3306.
--Oct. 4 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, 32129.) Java Jungle is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center, and there is an elevator in the middle of the center, right under that central stairway. This is a dessert and coffee bar with incredible pastries and chocolate treats. Check the menu at their website: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
--Oct. 5 (Sunday) Dan plays for Sunday Brunch at Cuveé Oceanside Wine & Tapas Restaurant,188 E. Granada Blvd. from 11 am to 2 pm. This is a beautiful, upscale restaurant near the corner of Granada and A1A in Ormond Beach on the south side of Granada. They feature their own wines grown in Virginia and some very fine food. 386-615-4727 or 386-676-8466. Extra parking: At the stop sign at the back of the Cuveé lot, turn left and then turn right into the huge lot with the numbered spaces.
--Oct. 11, 12 (Sat, Sun) Dan will perform solo and the Work Release Program trio will also perform at the Lake County Folk Festival on the lake front in Eustis. Performance times will be posted as soon as the schedule is published. http://www.eustismainstreet.org. 352-357-8555.
--Nov. 1, 2 (Sat, Sun) Work Release Program will entertain at the Barberville Jamboree. Performance schedule for the group and for Dan?s and Joel?s solo stints can be accessed at . Barberville Pioneer Settlement, Barberville, VA, just 10 mi north of DeLand on US 17 at the intersection of Fla. Rt. 40. Gates open at 10 am each day. 386-749-2959.
--Dec. 14 (Sun) Work Release Program will perform at Langford Park in Orlando as part of the Central Florida Folk music series in that beautiful park. We?ll be playing at the gazebo with a Celtic group called ?Men of the House? opening for us. Concert begins at 2:30 pm, with WRP performing at 3 pm or soon after. 1808 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. http://cffolk.org/langford_park/langford_park.htm.
--To reserve a copy of the CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.) Or see me on Sunday mornings at the Unitarian Universalist Society of the Daytona Beach Area, 56 N. Halifax, in Ormond Beach. I?ll always have a few CDs in hand.
If you would prefer not to receive updates on our musical appearances, please just send a ?Remove from list? reply to this note.
What a turnout at the Brooklyn Ice Caffe! We filled the music room and had the owner and manager beaming. And Phil has been nice enough to allow me to switch to Saturday, this week, so that the concert won?t conflict with the monthly UU pot luck dinner. So we?ll be getting underway at 7:30 on Saturday evening, and it looks as if it might be good to come early to avoid being seated in the balcony. : ) See you then!
--Sep 6 (Saturday) Dan plays at the Brooklyn Ice Caffe. 8-10 pm. The Caffe is located in the shopping center with the light blue buildings at the corner of Clyde Morris Blvd. and Herbert St. in Port Orange (the second stoplight north of Dunlawton). Turn east onto Herbert St. at the light and go about half a block to turn into the parking lot. You?ll see the Caffe right on that corner of the building. Full range of subs and other deli fare plus terrific desserts and drinks. 4649 S Clyde Morris Blvd., Port Orange, FL 32129. 386-322-3306.
--Sep 13 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, 32129.) Java Jungle is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center, and there is an elevator in the middle of the center, right under that central stairway. This is a dessert and coffee bar with incredible pastries and chocolate treats. Check the menu at their website: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
--Oct. 11, 12 (Sat, Sun) Dan will perform solo and the Work Release Program trio will also perform at the Lake County Folk Festival on the lake front in Eustis. Performance times will be posted as soon as the schedule is published. http://www.eustismainstreet.org. 352-357-8555.
--Nov. 1, 2 (Sat, Sun) Work Release Program will entertain at the Barberville Jamboree. Performance schedule has not yet been posted. Barberville Pioneer Settlement, Barberville, VA, just 10 mi north of DeLand on US 17 at the intersection of Fla. Rt. 40. Gates open at 10 am each day. http://folkfiddle.com/barber.htm 386-749-2959.
--Dec. 14 (Sun) Work Release Program will perform at Langford Park in Orlando as part of the Central Florida Folk music series in that beautiful park. We?ll be playing at the gazebo with Ben DeHart opening for us. Concert begins at 2:30 pm, with WRP performing at 3 pm or soon after. 1808 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. http://cffolk.org/langford_park/langford_park.htm.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie Laroe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Responding to recommendations from several of you, I?ve secured a booking for a Friday evening concert at the Brooklyn Ice Caffe in Port Orange. It looks like a fine place to dine and enjoy the music. The owner wants to make me a regular, but that means that we?ll have to turn out in numbers, since he?ll be sharpening his pencil and counting up the receipts generated between 8 and 10 pm while I?m playing. I?m up for the challenge, and I?m confident of your support. Let?s continue the good time we had at Java Jungle this past weekend, as we step across the street to enjoy the hospitable atmosphere of our friends from Flatbush. Bring your kazoo and we?ll really liven the place up!
--Aug 22 (Friday) Dan plays at the Brooklyn Ice Caffe. 8-10 pm. The Caffe is located in the shopping center with the blue roofs at the corner of Clyde Morris Blvd. and Herbert St. in Port Orange (the second stoplight north of Dunlawton). Turn east onto Herbert St. at the light and go about half a block to turn into the parking lot. You?ll see the Caffe right on that corner of the building. Full range of subs and other deli fare plus terrific desserts and drinks. 4649 S Clyde Morris Blvd., Port Orange, FL 32129. 386-322-3306.
--Aug 30 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, 32129.) Java Jungle is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center, and there is an elevator in the middle of the center, right under that central stairway. This is a dessert and coffee bar with incredible pastries and chocolate treats. Check the menu at their website: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
--Oct. 11, 12 (Sat, Sun) Dan will perform solo and the Work Release Program trio will also perform at the Lake County Folk Festival on the lake front in Eustis. Performance times will be posted as soon as the schedule is published. http://www.eustismainstreet.org. 352-357-8555.
--Nov. 1, 2 (Sat, Sun) Work Release Program will entertain at the Barberville Jamboree. Performance schedule has not yet been posted. Barberville Pioneer Settlement, Barberville, VA, just 10 mi north of DeLand on US 17 at the intersection of Fla. Rt. 40. Gates open at 10 am each day. http://folkfiddle.com/barber.htm 386-749-2959.
--Dec. 14 (Sun) Work Release Program will perform at Langford Park in Orlando as part of the Central Florida Folk music series in that beautiful park. We?ll be playing at the gazebo with Ben DeHart opening for us. Concert begins at 2:30 pm, with WRP performing at 3 pm or soon after. 1808 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. http://cffolk.org/langford_park/langford_park.htm.
--To reserve a copy of the CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.) Or see me on Sunday mornings at the Unitarian Universalist Society of the Daytona Beach Area, 56 N. Halifax, in Ormond Beach. I?ll always have a few CDs in hand.
If you would prefer not to receive updates on our musical appearances, please just send a ?Remove from list? reply to this note.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio (which consists of Joel Kelley, Margie Laroe, and Dan). See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
What a wonderful gathering at Java Jungle last Saturday evening! That?s the kind of crackerjack crowd that brings out the best in a performer, and I thank you all for making it such a fine evening. Hope to see you there again Saturday, or at Sorrento?s (Wed) or Lake Helen Coffee & Tea (Fri). I appreciate your making requests for some of the favorites from the CD?s, since a songwriter tends to get caught up in performing new material, and it?s fun to reach back for an earlier song. And thanks again to those of you who have suggested venues to investigate. I?ll be checking out two Ormond Beach possibilities this week. I think we can officially consider me to be retired from teaching and working full-time as a self-employed musician. Let?s remember to sing Pete Seeger?s ode to aging ?Get Up and Go? at the concerts this week.
--Jul 23 (Wed) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-8 pm. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in to the right of the video store. Great food! 386-761-2181.
--July 25 (Fri) Dan will perform on the patio at Lake Helen Coffee & Tea from 6 - 8 pm. This is a ?Summer Nights? series event, and I?ll actually probably begin a little earlier?around 5:30. The kitchen will remain open for the concert, and we are advised to bring a lawn chair. (I think I?ll stick with my trustee unpadded bar stool, but you?ll probably want something more comfortable.) Located in Lake Helen at 360 S. Lakeview Ave. Phone: 386-951-4486.
--Jul 26 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, 32129.) Java Jungle is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center, and there is an elevator in the middle of the center, right under that central stairway. This is a dessert and coffee bar with incredible pastries and chocolate treats. Check the menu at their website: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
The folks at Java Jungle seem to have liked what they heard on Satuday evening. Thanks to those of you who came to check out this new venue. We?ll do it again this Saturday, and they are billing this as the actual Grand Opening and putting out some publicity, so we?ll hope to fill the jungle with interesting cats. (Now there?s a beatnik term I haven?t used in while.) Maybe we should play that old Martin Denny instrumental ?Quiet Village? in honor of this setting. I?ll be looking for you on Saturday, primed and ready to take your requests.
--Jul 19 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, 32129.) The restaurant is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center, and there is an elevator in the middle of the center, right under that central stairway. Check the decor, menu, and hours at the website: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
--Jul 23 (Wed) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-8 pm. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in to the right of the video store. Great food! 386-761-2181.
--July 25 (Fri) Dan will perform on the patio at Lake Helen Coffee & Tea from 6 - 8 pm. This is a ?Summer Nights? series event, and I?ll actually probably begin a little earlier?around 5:30. The kitchen will remain open for the concert, and we are advised to bring a lawn chair. (I think I?ll stick with my trustee unpadded bar stool, but you?ll probably want something more comfortable.) Located in Lake Helen at 360 S. Lakeview Ave. Phone: 386-951-4486.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
My call for suggestions about places that you might like to hear me play has yielded immediate results. A new and very intriguing coffee house, Java Jungle, is holding its grand opening this weekend, and I?ll be performing there on Saturday night. (They actually signed me up for the next two Saturdays?a very welcome act of good faith.) They have the usual array of coffee bar drinks along with some serious dessert offerings, and the setting includes waterfalls and a listening room away from the noise of the coffee mixers. I think we?re going to like this place, folks!
--Jul 12 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. Located in Ravenwood Square, a little shopping center on the west side of Clyde Morris Blvd. just north of Herbert St. (The address is 4606 Clyde Morris, Port Orange, 32129.) The restaurant is upstairs on the north end of the shopping center, and I?m told there is an elevator in the middle of the center. Check the decor, menu, and hours at the website: www.javajunglellc.com. 386-760-8969.
--Jul 19 (Sat) Dan plays at Java Jungle. 7-9 pm. [See above listing.]
--Jul 23 (Wed) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-8 pm. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in to the right of the video store. Great food! 386-761-2181.
--July 25 (Fri) Dan will perform on the patio at Lake Helen Coffee & Tea from 6 - 8 pm. This is a ?Summer Nights? series event, and I?ll actually probably begin a little earlier?around 5:30. The kitchen will remain open for the concert, and we are advised to bring a lawn chair. (I think I?ll stick with my trustee unpadded bar stool, but you?ll probably want something more comfortable.) Located in Lake Helen at 360 S. Lakeview Ave. Phone: 386-951-4486.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Our evening at the HotSpot Coffee Shoppe proved to be a terrific experience. Marcia took photos and has posted them to the shoppe?s website, so be sure to check them out. We?ll look forward to playing there again soon. This week, it?s a Wednesday night concert at Sorrento?s, so bring your appetite and your requests and we?ll look for you as we dodge the drops of much-needed rain.
If you have suggestions about other live-music venues that you think might welcome some folk music, hit the Reply button and pass along the names so we can contact them about playing.
--Jul 2 (Wed) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-8 pm. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in to the right of the video store. Great food! 386-761-2181.
--July 25 (Fri) Dan will perform on the patio at Lake Helen Coffee & Tea from 6 - 8 pm. This is a ?Summer Nights? series event, and I?ll actually probably begin a little earlier?around 5:30. The kitchen will remain open for the concert, and we are advised to bring a lawn chair. (I think I?ll stick with my trustee unpadded bar stool, but you?ll probably want something more comfortable.) Located in Lake Helen at 360 S. Lakeview Ave. Phone: 386-951-4486.
--To reserve a copy of the CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.) Or see me on Sunday mornings at the Unitarian Universalist Society of the Daytona Beach Area, 56 N. Halifax, in Ormond Beach. I?ll always have a few CDs in hand.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
This is the week to extend your horizons and visit (or re-visit) The Hot Spot Coffee Shoppe on Saturday night at 7 for good music (I?ll handle that part), good food (Gus serves up great sandwiches, wraps, wonderful desserts), and refreshing drinks (Italian sodas recommended). It?s a gem of a place right here in Daytona Beach on US 1 (i.e. Ridgewood) near Beville Rd. Let?s show Marcia (did you see her in the paper last week?) and Gus how good taste (they?re inviting us, right?) can be rewarded with a great crowd. I?m totally ready to introduce you to my sweet little new song ?The Moon and a Few High Clouds,? so remind me to play it as soon as you?re settled in with your food and drink. ____________________________
--Jun 28 (Sat) As indicated above, Dan will perform at The Hot Spot Coffee Shoppe at 1216 S. Ridgewood in Daytona Beach. Beginning at 7 pm. This is a solo concert with a $3 cover charge. 386-236-0517. www.HotSpotCoffeeShoppe.com.
--Jun 29 (Sun) Dan will perform Leonard Cohen?s ?Joan of Arc? as the offertory during the Sunday service at the Unitarian Universalist Society in Ormond Beach. One of our favorite speakers, Dr. Jim Shoopman from Embry-Riddle Aeronautic University, will deliver the message on ?A New Look at Women in the Bible.? Lots of very fine people at the UU, and wonderful music by our stellar pianist Carol Beck Belden. www.uuormond.net
--Jul 2 (Wed) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-8 pm. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in to the right of the video store. Great food! 386-761-2181.
--July 25 (Fri) Dan will perform on the patio at Lake Helen Coffee & Tea from 6 - 8 pm. This is a ?Summer Nights? series event, and I?ll actually probably begin a little earlier?around 5:30. The kitchen will remain open for the concert, and we are advised to bring a lawn chair. (I think I?ll stick with my trustee unpadded bar stool, but you?ll probably want something more comfortable.) Located in Lake Helen at 360 S. Lakeview Ave. Phone: 386-951-4486.
--To reserve a copy of the CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.) Or see me on Sunday mornings at the Unitarian Universalist Society of the Daytona Beach Area, 56 N. Halifax, in Ormond Beach. I?ll always have a few CDs in hand.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
If you'll click on the photo on the website, here, you'll see that we were driven indoors by light rain for the ?Animal Singsong? at the Bermuda Aquarium June 6), but that only added a bit of extra atmosphere to the proceedings. Performing in front of the colorful coral reef, I was ably assisted by Gabriel Jones, my 6-year-old ambassador to the younger members of the audience, as we entertained more than 100 people in the main hall of this beautiful facility. We spread the gospel of environmental awareness and wildlife preservation in Bermuda all week, with several news articles and interviews prior to the concert. We had a wonderful time with our Bermudian friends and will hope to do it again next summer.
And now back to our regularly scheduled Florida music!
--Jun 18 (Wed) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-8 pm. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in to the right of the video store. Great food! 386-761-2181.
--Jun 28 (Sat) Dan will perform at The Hot Spot Coffee Shoppe at 1216 S. Ridgewood in Daytona Beach. Beginning at 7 pm. This is a solo concert with a $3 cover charge. Good food in a unique and hospitable setting. (This is the place where they love to throw tomatoes at the performers?lightweight nerf-type tomatoes, fortunately.) 386-236-0517. www.HotSpotCoffeeShoppe.com.
--July 25 (Fri) Dan will perform on the patio at Lake Helen Coffee & Tea from 6 - 8 pm. This is a ?Summer Nights? series event, and I?ll probably begin a little earlier?around 5:30. The kitchen will remain open for the concert, and we are advised to bring a lawn chair. (I think I?ll stick with my trustee unpadded bar stool, but you?ll probably want something more comfortable.) Located in Lake Helen at 360 S. Lakeview Ave. Phone: 386-951-4486.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
If you'll click on the photo on the website, here, you'll see that we were driven indoors by light rain for the ?Animal Singsong? at the Bermuda Aquarium June 6), but that only added a bit of extra atmosphere to the proceedings. Performing in front of the colorful coral reef, I was ably assisted by Gabriel Jones, my 6-year-old ambassador to the younger members of the audience, as we entertained more than 100 people in the main hall of this beautiful facility. We spread the gospel of environmental awareness and wildlife preservation in Bermuda all week, with several news articles and interviews prior to the concert. We had a wonderful time with our Bermudian friends and will hope to do it again next summer.
And now back to our regularly scheduled Florida music!
--Jun 18 (Wed) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-8 pm. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in to the right of the video store. Great food! 386-761-2181.
--Jun 28 (Sat) Dan will perform at The Hot Spot Coffee Shoppe at 1216 S. Ridgewood in Daytona Beach. Beginning at 7 pm. This is a solo concert with a $3 cover charge. Good food in a unique and hospitable setting. (This is the place where they love to throw tomatoes at the performers?lightweight nerf-type tomatoes, fortunately.) 386-236-0517. www.HotSpotCoffeeShoppe.com.
--July 25 (Fri) Dan will perform on the patio at Lake Helen Coffee & Tea from 6 - 8 pm. This is a ?Summer Nights? series event, and I?ll probably begin a little earlier?around 5:30. The kitchen will remain open for the concert, and we are advised to bring a lawn chair. (I think I?ll stick with my trustee unpadded bar stool, but you?ll probably want something more comfortable.) Located in Lake Helen at 360 S. Lakeview Ave. Phone: 386-951-4486.
LOOKED FOR YOU by Dan Gribbin.
Dan Gribbin has put together a collection of well written, intelligent and witty songs that begins by evoking a consciousness about Florida. Using satire as his primary weapon, ''Our Florida Story Will Be Told'' and ''We've Come To Privatize'' bring forth a political and ecological theme early on in the CD.
Dan then switches gears a bit and addresses the affairs of the heart. He uses humor if only to keep from crying, it seems, in songs like ''Only Marking Time'' and the the title song ''Looked For You''. Likewise the humorous ''Nothin' Doing'' and ''Lickin' My Jelly Knife'' use love-lost themes in a funny and satirical way. It's Dan's world and welcome to it!
''Morning for Martha'' is downright pretty and showcases Dan's unique vibrato vocals. Although he keeps his tounge firmly in cheek throughout, Dan can get serious and even philosophical as in the songs ''Music Is the Language'' and ''Love Is Gonna Be Our Dance.''
The final two songs ''Little Piece of Heaven'' and ''Spirit Running Through'' end the CD nicely on a positive note, evoking an image of spirituality and even a little Kum-by-ya-ness.
The music is well done, although a bit sparse and lean at times. The piano comes in to save several songs and the guitar playing is first rate throughout. The electric 12 string sounds especially nice here.
It's a good CD and fairly well represents Dan's live performance. Whenever we see Dan play a set, we know we're in for a good laugh and some well written songs.
Best song on the CD: ''Lickin' My Jelly Knife.''
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Once again, the Wednesday evening crowd at Sorrento?s in the Port Orange Plaza seemed to enjoy the music, with a special surprise visit from Martha to join me at the keyboard in performing ?Looked for You.? Looks as if I have become a regular, so do drop by Sorrento?s at 6 pm Wed., May 21. (Directions below.) The Florida Folk Festival will follow, May 23-25 (Memorial Day Weekend). And then the Hot Spot Coffee Shoppe has invited me to do a Saturday night concert on June 28, a lively venue on historic US1 in Daytona Beach. I?ll have several new songs ready to perform, plus the old favorites, so come on out and enjoy the music!
--May 21 (Wed) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-8 pm. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in to the right of the video store. Great food! 386-761-2181.
--May 23-25 (Fri ? Sun) Dan will perform at the Florida Folk Festival. The Festival is held at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park, which is located on U.S. 41 in White Springs. (See my website for detailed directions.)
Friday: 12 pm. Azalea Stage (Performance)
2 pm Jam Tent (Conducting Blues Jam)
Saturday: 1 pm Tower Stage
Sunday: 11 am River Gazebo (Performance)
2-5 pm Azalea Stage (Emceeing the stage)
--Jun 28 (Sat) Dan will perform at The Hot Spot Coffee Shoppe at 1216 S. Ridgewood in Daytona Beach. Beginning at 7 pm. This is a solo concert with a whopping $3 cover charge! Good food in a unique and hospitable setting. 386-236-0517. www.HotSpotCoffeeShoppe.com.
--July 25 (Fri) Dan will perform in a patio setting at Lake Helen Coffee & Tea from 6 - 8 pm. Located in Lake Helen at 360 S. Lakeview Ave. Phone: 386-228-2823.
--To reserve a copy of the new CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.)
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
The manager has invited me to perform a rare Wednesday evening set at Sorrento?s in the Port Orange Plaza (Apr. 23), so I hope you?ll come by and enjoy some good food and good music. (Details below.) And we will look forward to seeing you at the Barberville Spring Frolic this weekend, with Work Release Program playing both Sat. and Sun., as well as solo sets by Dan on both days.
--Apr.23 (Wed) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-8 pm. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in to the right of the video store. Great food! 386-761-2181.
--Apr.26-27 (Sat-Sun) Barberville Spring Frolic features Dan?s solo sets as well as performances by Work Release Program and some workshops. Solo sets: Sat., 10 am (Barn Stage) & 4 pm (Sugar Cane Stage). Workshops: Sat. 11 am (Songwriting wkshp with a number of songwriters); Sun. 12 noon (Dan demonstrates fingerpicking technique). Work Release Program performances: 12:30 pm (Old Church) & 4:30 pm (Sugar Cane Stage); Sun. 10:30 am (Barn Stage). Barberville Pioneer Village just west of US17 on Florida 40. http://folkfiddle.com/barber.htm
--Jun 28 (Sat) Dan will perform at The Hot Spot Coffee Shoppe at 1216 S. Ridgewood in Daytona Beach. Beginning at 7 pm. This is a solo concert with a whopping $3 cover charge! Good food in a unique and hospitable setting. 386-236-0517. www.HotSpotCoffeeShoppe.com.
--To reserve a copy of the new CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.)
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
The folk festival season is upon us, beginning with the Will McLean Festival this weekend (Apr. 4-6). Then it?s back home for another Saturday evening concert at Sorrento?s in the Port Orange Plaza (Apr. 12). And Work Release Program will be appearing at the Barberville Spring Frolic later in the month, presenting some new material that we prepared for our recent Gaylord Palms Resort gig, a truly surreal experience. Finally, if you haven?t yet gotten a copy of ?Looked for You,? see the note below. Guaranteed good listening.
--Apr. 4-6 (Fri.-Sun.) Dan will play at the Will McLean Folk Festival, being held at a new location this year. The Withlachoochee Campground is 4 mi. west of Dunnellon on Fla. Highway 40. I?ll be playing Friday at 1 pm on the Cypress Stage and Sunday at 12 noon, also on the Cypress stage. WRP will run a Circle of Song on Friday afternoon. www.willmclean.com.
--Apr.12 (Sat) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-9 pm, with a feature set beginning around 7. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in to the right of the video store. Great food! 386-761-2181.
--Apr.26-27 (Sat-Sun) Barberville Spring Frolic features Dan?s solo sets as well as performances by Work Release Program and some workshops. Solo sets: Sat., 10 am (Barn Stage) & 4 pm (Sugar Cane Stage). Workshops: Sat. 11 am (Songwriting wkshp with a number of songwriters); Sun. 12 noon (Dan demonstrates fingerpicking technique). Work Release Program performances: 12:30 pm (Old Church) & 4:30 pm (Sugar Cane Stage); Sun. 10:30 am (Barn Stage). http://folkfiddle.com/barber.htm
--To reserve a copy of the new CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.)
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Some new and different musical experiences are on tap for the next couple of weeks, along with my second opportunity to play at Sorrento?s in the Port Orange Plaza. This weekend, I?ll be going upscale (with a fancy tip jar!), playing at an art show in the private home of German friends here in Daytona. You are all invited to come, listen to the music, enjoy the art. You may even want to take some home?both CD?s and art work. Then, after my March 1 date at Sorrento?s, Work Release Program will play at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Kissimee on March 7, at a private party. We?ll be featuring Music of the 60s, and it?s a great show we?re working up, with music by Peter, Paul & Mary, The Kingston Trio, Crosby Stills & Nash, and others. So keep us in mind if your organization would like to book a group. And if you haven?t yet gotten a copy of ?Looked for You,? see the note below. Guaranteed good listening.
--Feb. 24, 25 (Sat & Sun) Dan will play (unplugged and open for requests) at the home of Helmut and Theresa Zaby in Pelican Bay [109 Albatross Way, Daytona Beach]. The colorful work of artist Connie Moitinho de Almeida will be on display. Sat, 2-5 pm; Sun. 3-6 pm. Music during the first two hours, each day. Light refreshments. Info at 386-304-1965. Enter Pelican Bay East off Beville Rd., straight on Pelican Bay Dr. to 1st stop sign; Rt. On Gull Dr., Right on Gull Cir. N; Left on Albatross and go to third house on left.
--Mar.1 (Sat) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-9 pm, with a feature set beginning around 7. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in to the right of the video store. Great food! 386-761-2181.
--To reserve a copy of the new CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.)
Or you can order it right here on the website by clicking on "Albums."
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Thanks to all who came to the concert at Sorrento Pizza and Deli last Saturday evening. Management was very enthusiastic about the response, I certainly enjoyed entertaining you, and it looked as if you were having a pretty fine time yourselves. Quite an evening, especially considering that the weather cooperated, even if the weatherman and his female compatriots looked a bit frazzled. We?ll do it again on March 1 with fewer tornado warnings. Hope to see you at the Art Show in Eustis on Saturday or at the bookstore in Ormond soon.
--Jan. 26 (Sat.): Work Release Program plays at the Lake Eustis Art Show. 3-5 pm. In the gazebo in Ferran Park on the lakefront in downtown Eustis. We?ll be doing some individual numbers as well as singing as a trio. Eustis is 30 miles west of DeLand on Rt. 44. (Exact directions on my website.)
-- Jan 30 (Wed) Dan will play 11 am -1 pm at The Book Store in Ormond Beach. Come by and throw in a few requests. 410 S. Nova Rd., Ormond. 386-615-8320.
--Feb. 2 (Sat) Open mike at The Book Store in Ormond Beach. Register to play at 6:30. Music begins at 7 pm. 410 S. Nova Rd., Ormond. 386-615-8320.
--To reserve a copy of the new CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.)
--Mar.1 (Sat) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-9 pm, with a feature set beginning around 7. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in between the video store and the barber shop. Great food! 386-761-2181.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Thanks to all who came to the concert at Sorrento Pizza and Deli last Saturday evening. Management was very enthusiastic about the response, I certainly enjoyed entertaining you, and it looked as if you were having a pretty fine time yourselves. Quite an evening, especially considering that the weather cooperated, even if the weatherman and his female compatriots looked a bit frazzled. We?ll do it again on March 1 with fewer tornado warnings. Hope to see you at the Art Show in Eustis on Saturday or at the bookstore in Ormond soon.
--Jan. 26 (Sat.): Work Release Program plays at the Lake Eustis Art Show. 3-5 pm. In the gazebo in Ferran Park on the lakefront in downtown Eustis. We?ll be doing some individual numbers as well as singing as a trio. Eustis is 30 miles west of DeLand on Rt. 44. (Exact directions on my website.)
-- Jan 30 (Wed) Dan will play 11 am -1 pm at The Book Store in Ormond Beach. Come by and throw in a few requests. 410 S. Nova Rd., Ormond. 386-615-8320.
--Feb. 2 (Sat) Open mike at The Book Store in Ormond Beach. Register to play at 6:30. Music begins at 7 pm. 410 S. Nova Rd., Ormond. 386-615-8320.
--To reserve a copy of the new CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.)
--Mar.1 (Sat) Dan plays at Sorrento Pizza & Deli. 6-9 pm, with a feature set beginning around 7. Located in Port Orange Plaza, the little shopping center on the southwest corner of the intersection of US1 and Dunlawton (4050 S. Ridgewood). The restaurant is in the right angle of the L-shaped center, tucked in between the video store and the barber shop. Great food! 386-761-2181.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Early reviews are in, and the new CD ?Looked for You? is proving to be popular with those who have purchased copies. That?s gratifying news, but I constantly bear in mind that without the audience, there would be no music. So much of the credit for my continued effort to produce the songs (and to improve the performance) goes to those of you who have provided such wonderful support over these past few years. It?s the best gift I could hope to receive, and I pledge to give my best in return. On the immediate horizon is the ?Live at Leu Gardens? concert on Sunday. Martha will be providing the music for our service at the Unitarian church in Ormond, and then we?ll be heading down I-4 to Leu Gardens to get tuned up for the concert. There is a charge at the door, so we?ll be starting promptly at 2:30 pm to be sure to pack good value into our sojourn onstage as the opening act for David LaMotte. We?ll look forward to seeing you there. (Please reply to this e-mail if you are in need of transportation.)
--Dec. 30 (Sun) Dan will be opening at 2:30 pm for David LaMotte in this edition of the ?Live at Leu Gardens? concert series. (See attached JPEG for details.) Concert attendees have the run of the grounds for the afternoon, and the grounds are beautiful. The concert is indoors in the Camilia Room of the big Garden House. Leu Gardens is located at 1920 N. Forest Ave., Orlando FL 32803. Map and directions at www.leugardens.org/locate.html or see my website. Phone: 407-679-6426 or 407-246-2620.
--Can?t make it to the concert? To reserve a copy of the new CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. It would make a nice Christmas gift, so do ask about special rates for multiple copies. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.)
--Jan. 6 (Sat) Open mike at The Book Store in Ormond Beach. Register to play at 6:30. Music begins at 7 pm. 410 S. Nova Rd., Ormond. 386-615-8320.
Big News! On Sunday afternoon, Dec. 30, Dan will be performing in Orlando at Leu Gardens, opening for David LaMotte. The new CD will be in hand, so the performance will include songs from the album plus a couple of newer ones. Please be there before 2:30 so we can squeeze in as many numbers as possible. (I say ?we? because Martha will be joining me onstage with her digital piano!) Details below.
The Book Store open mike will be this Saturday evening (Dec. 1), and Work Release Program will be joining other fine folk acts on the evening of Dec. 8 at Lou?s Little Ponderosa, located just off US 17 north of Barberville. It?s shaping up to be a very fine month of music.
--Dec. 1 (Sat.) The Book Store at Ormond will host an Open Mike led by Dell Hoyt. Music begins at 7 pm, and since the workshops have been popular, we?ll begin those guitar and percussion workshops around 6 pm. To sign up to play at the Open Mike, please arrive well before 7. The Book Store is located at 410 S. Nova Rd. in Ormond Beach, next to Pickle?s Deli. Phone: 386-615-8320.
--Dec. 8 (Sat.) Lou?s Little Ponderosa will host an evening of music including Work Release Program and other area talent. Pot luck supper begins at 6 pm. Music at 7. Lou?s Little Ponderosa is located at 115 Sisco Rd., Pomona Park FL 32181. It is 2 mi north of Pomona Park on US 17?turn rt onto Sisco Rd. See my website for mapquest URL. www.funport.com/lousponderosa Phone: 386-649-4994.
--Dec. 30 (Sun) Dan will be opening at 2:30 for David LaMotte in this edition of the ?Live at Leu Gardens? concert series. This is a beautiful venue (which I used to roam as a young teenager before it went public). Concert attendees have the run of the grounds for the afternoon. Please be on time (in the Camillia Room of the big Garden House) so we can maximize the musical bang for your buck--there is a $12 suggested donation. (Sneak the grandkids in under the table.) Leu Gardens is located at 1920 N. Forest Ave., Orlando FL 32803. Map and directions at www.leugardens.org/locate.html or see my website. Phone: 407-679-6426 or 407-246-2620.
--To reserve a copy of the new CD, LOOKED FOR YOU, and to arrange for it to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail request to this e-mail address bluzeman1@hotmail.com. It would make a nice Christmas gift, so do ask about special rates for multiple copies. (Combination orders to include the ?Talkin? to the Birds? CD can be arranged, of course.)
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
You heard it on WELE, 1380 AM in Ormond Beach! I survived my first radio studio performance as Chuck Spano and I promoted MusicFest 2007. This show will take place in the spacious, air-conditioned comfort of our new venue, The Book Store & So Much More in Ormond Beach. The big event is this Saturday, and if you?re coming for the evening concert, it will probably be best to arrive at 6:30 in order to get ticketed and settled into a seat for my 7 pm performance. But there will be plenty of music earlier in the day, as well, as the lineup below indicates. The flyer for the event can be accessed at the following URL: <>
--Sep. 8 (Sat.) The Book Store in Ormond Beach will be the site of MusicFest 2007. I?ll be leading off the evening concert at 7 pm as the opening act for our friends The Ashley Gang. But there will be music all day, including stage performances and workshops. We even have an open mike planned for the evening before the festival (Fri., Sep. 7 at 7 pm). Make it a point to come out and support live music in our area. The Book Store is located at 410 S. Nova Rd. in Ormond Beach, next to Pickle?s Deli. Phone: 386-615-8320. The all-day ticket for the festival includes the evening concert. $10 adults; $5 children 12 & under.
--Sep. 22 (Sat.) I will be performing again at Infusion Tea, located at 1600 Edgewater Dr., a few blocks south of Princeton St. They specialize in vegetarian entrees, dessert delights, and a variety of hot and cold teas. Performance will run from 7-9 pm. www.infusionorlando.com. 407-999-5255 or 866-346-5135. E-mail christina@infusionorlando.com to receive their attractive newsletter.
MusicFest 2007, Sat., Sep. 8, lineup for the main stage:
9 Intro to Rhythm and Percussion Chuck Spano
10 Dan Gribbin & Friends
11 Dell Hoyt
12 George Blackwell & Lori Baxter
1 Doug Spears
2 Chuck Hardwicke & The Hart Line
3 Barry Brogan
4 Bill & Eli Perras
5 The Dunehoppers
6 BackInTyme
7 Dan Gribbin
8 The Ashley Gang
Workshops will be given in the southwest corner of the store?s display area and include the following:
11 Percussion: Chuck Spano
1 Acoustic Blues: Dan Gribbin
2 Bottleneck/Slide: Barry Brogan
Keep in mind these three upcoming festivals: the Lake County Folk Festival (in Eustis) on the weekend of Oct. 14, the fall festival at Barberville (just north of DeLand) on the weekend of Nov. 3, and the rescheduled Florida Folk Festival on the weekend of Nov. 10 in White Springs, up on the Suwanee River.
Schedule of upcoming events for Dan Gribbin and the Work Release Program trio. See ?Events? at for additional info and directions.
Camp Creative UU provided a wonderful chance to work with a dozen young people who took to folk music like ducks to water. Their animated performance of ?Little Blue? and ?The Water Turkey? at the showcase for parents at the end of the week demonstrated that folk music is certainly alive and well among the live wires in the 4-14 age range.
The Just Plain Folks Roadtrip Showcase at A Third Place in downtown Eustis, last Tuesday, was one of the most enjoyable evenings of music that I can remember. It was great to renew acquaintances and to sample such a variety of musical genres. SusieCool and I seemed to be the only ones working the humorous side of the street?she did ?Computer Love? and I performed ?Bad Cholesterol.? The group photo should be a real classic!
I?m busy preparing for the Aug. 3 concert at Infusion Tea in Orlando. This should be a good chance for Orlando friends to get together in a very attractive setting. With a couple of new songs to share, I?m also preparing some familiar classics like Cat Stevens?s ?Peace Train,? a song that has been popular at my peace concerts. And I thought Pete Seeger?s salute to advancing age ?Get Up and Go? would be appropriate, though I hope we haven?t reached the point yet where ?Rock Around the Clock? gives way to The Walk Around the Block. Please circle Friday the 3rd on your calendar, and I?ll look forward to seeing you.
--Aug. 3 (Fri.): Dan performs at Infusion Tea, a lively new venue located at 1600 Edgewater Dr., a few blocks south of Princeton St. They specialize in vegetarian entrees, dessert delights, and a mind-boggling variety of hot and cold teas. Performance will run from 7-9 pm. www.infusionorlando.com. 407-999-5255 or 866-346-5135. E-mail christina@infusionorlando.com to receive their attractive newsletter.
--Sep. 7, 8 (Fri., Sat.) The Book Store in Ormond Beach will be the site of a music festival designed to introduce this new venue to the general public. There will be a Friday night concert with a number of local folk artists, and then an all-day Saturday affair, with details to be announced soon. The Book Store is located at 410 S. Nova, next to Pickle?s Deli. Phone: 386-615-8320.
Keep in mind the fall festival at Barberville (just north of DeLand) on the weekend of Nov. 3, and the rescheduled Florida Folk Festival on the weekend of Nov. 10 in White Springs, up on the Suwanee River.