Veteran folksinger/songwriter Jim Scott will appear in concert at 7 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Society, 56 N. Halifax, Ormond Beach. Jim is the author of "Gather the Spirit" and a former member of the Paul Winter Consort. He has a long musical resume, including touring with folk legends such as Pete Seeger and Peter Yarrow. Comfortable in a variety of genres, Jim has composed music for PBS specials and choral performances. His appearance is a fundraiser for the UUSDBA and a kickoff for their Green Sanctuary Sunday program. Local singer/songwriter Dan Gribbin (program director at the UUSDBA) will open for Jim. Tickets are $10 and can be reserved by e-mailing Dan at bluzeman1@hotmail.com.
Going east across the Granada Bridge (Rt. 40) in Ormond Beach, take a left at the second traffic light, which is Halifax Dr. The first left turn then puts you into the parking area for the Unitarian Universalist Society. You may park anywhere in that lot--we are part of the agreement for private parking there.