Dan Gribbin

Lyric Credits: Daniel Gribbin
Music Credits: Daniel Gribbin
Producer Credits: Daniel Gribbin
Publisher Credits: Daniel Gribbin
Performance Credits: Daniel Gribbin
Short Song Description:
The song is an inducement to awaken to the beauty and the challenge of life. It pays homage, indirectly in its lyrics, to three heroes of the movement to awaken our potential: Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, and Thich Nhat Hanh.
Song Length 4:44
Primary Genre New Age-Contemporary
Tempo / Feel -
Tempo / Feel Medium Slow (91 - 110)
Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Subject Matter 1 Spirituality
Subject Matter 2 Spirituality
Language English
AWAKENING Words & Music © 2007 by Daniel V. Gribbin

What is time but the stream I go a-fishing in?
What is time but the heron in the sky?
What is time but the years I've wasted chasing it?
But now it's time; oh, yes, it's time.

Time for glimpses in the ripples at the water's edge.
Time to listen to the heartbeat of a friend.
Time to taste the essence of a woodland breeze,
To feel the peace that loving arms extend.

I have arrived. I am home. I am here. Peace is now.
I have arrived. I am home. Peace is now.

What is time but the stilling of the anxious voice
Once the fear of full awakening is gone?
What is time but standing tall before a universe
In the full and brave acceptance of the dawn?

Between the ocean of the past and apprehension
For tempests that the future may bring on
Lies a deep and hidden valley of compassion,
For the present moment's strength to draw upon.

I have arrived. I am home. I am here. Peace is now.
I have arrived. I am home. Peace is now.